Membership Registration

Can anyone join?

Residents of countries that prohibit their citizens from participating in online games (or gambling) with cryptocurrency offered in foreign countries are not allowed to participate. Even in countries that allow participation, if there is an age limit, those under the age limit will not be allowed to participate.

Handling of Personal Information

Basically, J-Ceelo does not need your personal information, but if you submit your e-mail address for password reset, we will keep it safe and use it only for the purpose of password reset.

No personal information needed at all?

That is not true.
In order to prevent fraud, we may ask you to submit your personal information if we suspect money laundering or other fraudulent activity.
When we ask for your personal information, your account will be locked and you will not be able to withdraw any money, but if you provide us with your personal information, your account will be unlocked as long as there is no evidence of fraud.

Do you allow multiple accounts?

It is strictly prohibited for one person to create or use more than one account.
If you are found or suspected to be using more than one account, your entire balance will be confiscated and your account will be locked.

I forgot my password.

On the login page, enter your Member ID and then tap the "*Forgotten Password? Please tap here" link.
You will receive information to reset your password to the email address registered on the member page.  

I didn't register my email address.

If you have not registered your e-mail address when you forget your password, you will not be able to use that account in principle.
However, depending on your usage, it may be possible to reset your password. For example, if you have a balance in your account, please contact support for assistance.

What is the fee required for members?

There are no registration or membership fees.
The only two fees you may pay to J-Ceelo are as follows:

1. Game fee (2% of winnings)
2. Withdrawal fee (0.15XRP per withdrawal - a few cents)

What happens if I don't log in for a long time?

If you haven't logged in for more than a year since you last logged in, your account may be deleted. In this case, please be aware that any balance you have will be lost at the same time.  

Deposit and Withdrawal

I have never used cryptocurrency.

It is true that for those who are not familiar with cryptocurrencies, opening an account with a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet company may be a barrier. However, once you open an account, you will be amazed at how easy and fast it is to make deposits and withdrawals.

If you use a credit card or bank account, a hefty fee will be deducted every time you make a deposit or withdrawal. As a result, even though you won the game, you might end up with a negative total. Also, it often takes a few days for the funds to be deposited into your account.

With J-Ceelo, you can deposit and withdraw money in seconds, and the fees are very low. So you can deposit when you start a game, and withdraw immediately when you are done.

What are the fees?

When depositing, fees vary depending on the exchange or wallet company that manages your cryptocurrency account, but most are around 0.15-0.3 XRP (a few cents to tens of cents).
There is also a withdrawal fee of 0.15XRP (a few cents) to be paid to J-Ceelo upon withdrawal.You may think that you don't need to collect that amount of money, but this is to prevent mischief, and we hope you will understand.

Is a cryptocurrency account required?

J-Ceelo is an online dice game where you bet using the cryptocurrency XRP (Ripple). You deposit XRP and withdraw in XRP. You deposit XRP and withdraw in XRP. Therefore, you must have an account with a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet company that can handle XRP (Ripple).

J-Ceelo will also prepare a dedicated XRP (Ripple) account for you. When depositing or withdrawing money, you will be able to transfer money between this account and your own cryptocurrency account.

How to make a deposit

Tap on the "Deposit" tab in the "Cashier" section of the member menu to view the customer-specific account information required to make a deposit.
Please transfer XRP (Ripple) from your own cryptocurrency account to this customer account. The transfer will be completed within a few seconds, so be sure to tap the "Confirm Deposit" button after the transfer is complete.
For more information, please refer to here.

*How do I send?
The method of sending money differs depending on the exchange or wallet company that offers your cryptocurrency account. Please ask the company for details.

How to make a withdrawal

Tap the "Withdrawal" tab in the "Cashier" section of the member menu to display a screen where you can enter the amount you wish to withdraw and your account information. If the information you have entered is correct, the money will be deposited to the destination you have entered within a few seconds.
For more information, please refer to here.

Risk of not being able to withdraw

When you think of this risk, you may think of an accident or bankruptcy of a cryptocurrency exchange or wallet company. However, J-Ceelo deals directly with Ripple's system without going through any cryptocurrency exchange or wallet company. In other words, the XRP entrusted by our customers is not stored in the cryptocurrency accounts of other companies, so there is no risk of accidents or bankruptcy of such exchanges, and we are not subject to interference such as trading suspension.

There is a non-zero chance that Ripple itself will go bankrupt. However, since Ripple is even used by traditional major banks for their international money transfer systems, the possibility of its collapse is almost zero, and it is more highly secured than other cryptocurrencies.

If you are still concerned, I recommend that you make frequent deposits and withdrawals into and out of J-Ceelo, as it only takes a few seconds and the fee is only a few cents.

Won't the high price be lost?

J-Ceelo has a low rate of $10 per bet at the highest rate, so high amounts are not exchanged in the first place. In addition, there is a limit to the amount of points you can lose in one game (20 times your bet plus any on-the-spot winnings), and you cannot play unless you have at least the specified amount (20 times your bet). If you have less than the specified amount at the end of each game, you will be automatically removed from the game.

With these safety mechanisms in place, there is no need to worry about losing more Ripple than the amount you have.

About this game

What is the wager exchange rate?

How much XRP (Ripple) we settle for per 1 US dollar is called the wager exchange rate. For example, if you play at a wager exchange rate of 1.5 XRP per US dollar, and you win 2 US dollars plus at 'Shigoro', your earnings will be 3.0 XRP including the game fee.

What is the difference between each bowl?

J-Ceelo has four types of bowl: Casual Bowl, Regular Bowl, Special Bowl, and Premium Bowl, and the only difference between them is the rate per bet. The rate per bet is 20 cents for Casual Bowl, $1 for Regular Bowl, $5 for Special Bowl, and $10 for Premium Bowl.

Why do wager exchange rates fluctuate?

If the wager exchange rate were fixed, the price of XRP (Ripple) itself would fluctuate, so for example, you might win $100 in J-Ceelo but actually win $60. Therefore, we decided to fluctuate the wager exchange rate so that the actual value of a dollar within J-Ceelo does not change significantly.
This adjusts the value of the amount exchanged in each game so that it does not fluctuate too much.

How much is the game fee?

You pay us 2% of your winnings as a game fee. In other words, only the person who wins after one game (not always alone) will be charged for the game.
In this case, if there is a fraction of less than three decimal places in the fee, the amount of the fee will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Closed the browser during the game.

If you close your browser during the game, or if you experience a disconnection due to your Internet connection, you will be forced to leave the game bowl after several attempts to reconnect. If you leave the bowl, the game itself will continue and the computer will play in your place.

Your substitute computer bets the same amount as the previous time, rolls the dice according to random parameters, and always says "NO" to the game continuation question or the parent continuation question. Therefore, you will play only that one game, and then return to the state where you really finished the game.

Return after forcibly leaving

If you close your browser or disconnect your internet connection, you will be forced to leave the game, but if you go to the member home page and click "Start Game", you will not be able to return to your original seat and you will get an error message saying that the connection has been disconnected.

In this case, please wait until your substitute computer finishes the game. When the game is finished, you will be able to tap "Start Game" again to play.

Frequent line disconnections

You don't have to be aware of disconnects very often when you are surfing the Internet, but in reality, disconnects occur quite often.
The game will continue until the end of the game, even if you have to leave the bowl due to a disconnected line. Therefore, please play the game when you have a stable internet connection as much as possible.

We tend to think that broadband is stable, but that is only when we are connected via a wired LAN. While connected via a wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), line breaks may occur more frequently than with mobile data communication. Please be careful.


slow to start the game

It will take some time for the game to load the first time, so please wait a while. In addition, if the loading screen remains frozen after the second time, please try "Reload" in your browser to see if it works properly.
However, please do not reload while playing.

Can I see the game results?

Past results can be viewed from the game history on the member page.
If you are forced to leave the game due to a disconnection or other reason, you can still check your wins and losses with this game history.

Can we watch the game?

No third party is allowed to watch the game being played.

Can I livestream while I'm playing?

Due to the nature of J-Ceelo, live streaming does not lead to fraud, so we do not prohibit live streaming.

Each time limit is short.

J-Ceelo has a time limit of about 15 seconds for dice rolls and about 10 seconds for bet selection and each question dialog. The game then proceeds without waiting for answers from the players.

We understand that some customers may find this short, but please bear with us as any longer wait time is likely to be stressful for other customers.